About us

Name and operator of the website

LEMW Business GbR

Marlon Wienböker and Lukas Enns

Contact us

Email: info@lemw.de

Feel free to contact us at any time if you want to send us feedback or more fun game ideas. We are also available for advertising inquiries and all other requests at the above email address. We are looking forward to hearing from you!


Street: Klaberkampweg 20

ZIP Code: 33659

City: Bielefeld

Country: Germany

Liability for external links

Despite careful control of the contents, we do not assume any liability for the contents of external links. The operators of the linked pages are solely responsible for their content.

Our vision

Our vision is that your evening will never be boring. To achieve this, we’ve come up with the hottest questions about the best five games. Curious? Then just click on the game that most appeals to you via the links or in the navigation bar above.

99g- all about Party Games

Legal notice

The questions are for entertainment purposes only. None of the questions are intended to be discriminatory, disturbing, or negatively impacting. Also, we do not want to encourage anyone to drink alcohol. Anyone who uses one of our games as a drinking game does so of their own free will. If one of the games on this website is played with persons who are not allowed to drink alcohol according to the legal regulations, then of course a sip of water should be drunk instead of an alcoholic beverage as well as no questions of the category 18+ should be read out. We do not take any responsibility for any consequences.